The total sales for Bajaj Auto for May 2014 stood at 351,436 units against 339,348 units in May 2013 registering 4% growth. Motorcycles sales stood at 313,020 units in May 2014, 3% growth against 304,780 units sold in May 2013. Three wheeler sales grew by 11% at 38,416 units in May 2014 against 34,568 units during the same month of previous year.
TVS Motors registered 29% sales growth
TVS Motors registered 29% sales growth in May 2014 at 244,916 units against 189,544 units sold in May 2013. The total domestic sales were 210,293 units in May 2014 against 165,151 units in May 2013 registering 27% growth. Two wheeler sales grew by 26% while three wheeler sales registered 56% growth.
Source – Company , ACG