Technology and Market Report of Indian Car Industry

Publish Date : April, 2016

Technology and Market Report of Indian Car Industry is an exclusively Technology Intelligence report. There are several components of Indian car market which analysed closely to develop future Business and Product strategy. Understand the current and future R&D capacity, product planning and portfolio, Sales strategy, Network analysis, Sale Outlet, Service centers, New vehicle launch detail like Drive Train, Segment, Type, Price, Dimensions, Transmission, car name,target segment, Target market share, Estimated volume, Midterm and long-term strategy, Current and future export strategy, organization structure and capacities, Employee policies, Department wise manpower and capacities, 7S model analysis, Training and skills level, Number of exports and their roles, position, Designations, Testing facilities. Engineering support, History of R&D.

Indian Car technology Analysis

Future Technology trend of Engines and Transmissions. Trend analysis from 2010 to 2025. How future technology roadmap would impact on Indian car Industry. 

Fuel wise trend analysis and forecast along with fuel economy. What is the scope, development and advance technology for Indian included costing of technology development and impact on production and sales cost? 

Expected new Government policies and regulations policies and their impacts on power train and competitive landscape.


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